Source code for

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# Author : Matthieu Simeoni []
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Common zonal green kernels (see Chapter 4 of [FuncSphere]_ for a survey).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Callable
from pycsphere.linop import FLT
from import Matern, Wendland
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class TruncatedFourierLegendreSeries: r""" Truncated Fourier-Legendre series. Given coefficients :math:`\{\hat{f}_n, n=0,\ldots, N\}`, compute the *truncated Fourier-Legendre series*: .. math:: f_N(t):=\sum_{n=0}^N \hat{f}_n \frac{2n+1}{4\pi} P_n(t), \quad \forall t\in [-1,1]. Examples -------- .. plot:: import numpy as np from import TruncatedFourierLegendreSeries n_max=20 n=np.arange(0, n_max + 1).astype(np.float) fn=0*n; fn[n>0]=(n[n>0]*(n[n>0]+1))**(-1) fN=TruncatedFourierLegendreSeries(fn) theta=np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1024) plt.plot(theta, fN(np.cos(theta))) plt.ylabel('$f_N(\\cos\\theta)$') plt.xlabel('$\\theta\\in[-\\pi,\\pi]$') Notes ----- The ``TruncatedFourierLegendreSeries`` is computed by interpolating linearly the result of :py:class:`~pycsphere.linop.FourierLegendreTransform`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn: np.ndarray): r""" Parameters ---------- fn: np.ndarray Fourier-Legendre coefficients. """ self.fn = fn self.samples_t = FLT.nmax2t(fn.size - 1) flt = FLT(n_max=fn.size - 1, t=self.samples_t) self.samples_f = flt.adjoint(fn) self._interp_f = interp1d(self.samples_t, self.samples_f, kind='linear', assume_sorted=True)
def __call__(self, t: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r""" Parameters ---------- t: np.ndarray Query points in [-1,1]. Returns ------- np.ndarray Truncated Fourier-Legendre transform evaluated at the query points. """ return self._interp_f(t)
[docs]class ZonalGreenFunction(ABC): r""" Base class for zonal green functions. Any subclass/instance of this class must implement the abstract method ``_compute_fl_coefficients``. Notes ----- Consider a spherical pseudpo-differential operator acting on a spherical function :math:`h(\mathbf{r})` as: .. math:: \mathcal{D} h:=\sum_{n=0}^{+\infty}\hat{D}_n \left[\sum_{m=-n}^{n}\hat{h}_n^m Y_n^m\right], where :math:`\{\hat{D}_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\in\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{N}` is a sequence of *real numbers* such that the set .. math:: \mathcal{K}_\mathcal{D}:=\left\{n\in\mathbb{N}:\; \vert \hat{D}_n\vert=0\right\}, is *finite* and .. math:: \vert\hat{D}_n\vert=\Theta\left(n^p\right), for some real number :math:`p\geq 0`, called the *spectral growth order* of :math:`\mathcal{D}`. Then, the zonal Green kernel of :math:`\mathcal{D}` is given by Proposition 4 of [FuncSphere]_: .. math:: \psi_{\mathcal{D}}(\langle\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{s}\rangle) := \sum_{{n\in\mathbb{N}\backslash\mathcal{K}_\mathcal{D}}} \frac{2n+1}{4\pi \hat{D}_n}P_{n}(\langle\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{s}\rangle),\quad \mathbf{r}\in\mathbb{S}^{2}, where :math:`P_{n}` are the Legendre polynomials. The summation above is truncated to a large enough :math:`N` called the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """
[docs] def __init__(self, order: Optional[float] = None, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- order: Optional[float] Spectral growth order of the associated pseudo-differential operator. rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.order = order if cutoff is None: self.rtol = rtol self.cutoff = self.get_cutoff() else: self.cutoff = cutoff self.rtol = self.get_tol() self.bandwidth = self.cutoff self.fourier_legendre_coefficients = self._compute_fl_coefficients() self.interp_green_kernel = self.green_kernel()
[docs] def get_cutoff(self, min_cutoff: int = 16) -> int: r""" Compute the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. Parameters ---------- min_cutoff: int Minimal bandwidth. Returns ------- int Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ cutoff = np.fmax(np.ceil((1 / self.rtol) ** (1 / self.order)), min_cutoff).astype(int) return cutoff
def get_tol(self) -> float: return self.cutoff ** (-self.order) @abstractmethod def _compute_fl_coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute the Fourier-Legendre coefficients :math:`1/\hat{D}_n` of the zonal Green kernel. Returns ------- np.ndarray Fourier-Legendre coefficients :math:`1/\hat{D}_n` of the zonal Green kernel. """ pass
[docs] def green_kernel(self) -> Callable: r""" Compute the zonal Green kernel. Returns ------- Callable The zonal Green kernel as a callable function. """ return TruncatedFourierLegendreSeries(fn=self.fourier_legendre_coefficients)
def __call__(self, t: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: r""" Evaluate the zonal Green kernel. Parameters ---------- t: Union[float, np.ndarray] Query points in :math:`[-1, 1]`. Returns ------- Union[float, np.ndarray] Evaluation of the zonal Green kernel at the query points. """ return self.interp_green_kernel(t)
[docs] def plot(self, resolution: int = 1024, color: str = None, linewidth: Union[int, float] = 2, angles: bool = False, fraction: float = 1, fhandle: Optional[Any]=None): r""" Plot the zonal Green kernel. Parameters ---------- resolution: int Resolution of the uniform grid on which the Green kernel is sampled. color: str Color of the line. linewidth: Union[int, float] Line width. angles: bool If ``True`` plot :math:`\psi(\cos(\theta))`, otherwise plot :math:`\psi(t)`. fraction: float Plot over ``[-fraction, fraction]`` (if ``angles==False``) or ``[-np.pi*fraction, np.pi*fraction]`` (if ``angles==True``) with ``0<fraction<=1``. fhandle: Optional[Any] Figure handle in which to plot. """ if not 0 < fraction <= 1: raise ValueError('Parameter fraction must be in (0,1]') if angles: theta = np.linspace(-np.pi * fraction, np.pi * fraction, resolution) x = theta * 180 / np.pi y = self.__call__(np.cos(theta)) else: x = np.linspace(-fraction, fraction, resolution) y = self.__call__(x) y /= np.max(y) plt.figure(fhandle) plt.plot(x, y, '-', color=color, linewidth=linewidth) if angles: plt.xlabel('$\\theta$') plt.ylabel('$\\psi(\\cos\\theta)$') else: plt.xlabel('$t$') plt.ylabel('$\\psi(t)$') plt.title('Zonal Function')
[docs] def spectrum(self, n_max=None, cast: Callable = np.real, fhandle: Optional[Any]=None, color_index: int=0): r""" Plot the Fourier-Legendre spectrum. """ if n_max is None: n_max=self.cutoff+1 plt.figure(fhandle) plt.stem(np.arange(0, n_max), cast(self.fourier_legendre_coefficients[:n_max]), use_line_collection=True, linefmt=f'C{color_index}-', markerfmt=f'C{color_index}o') plt.xlabel('$n$') plt.ylabel('$\\hat{\\psi}_n$') plt.title('Fourier-Legendre Spectrum')
[docs]class Radial2Zonal(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Transforms a radial Green function into a zonal Green kernel. Let :math:`\phi:\mathbb{R}_+\to \mathbb{C}` be a radial function. The zonal Green kernel associated to :math:`\phi` is defined as: .. math:: \psi(t):=\phi(\sqrt{2-2t}), \qquad t\in [-1,1]. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import Radial2Zonal from pycsou.math import Matern radial_green=Matern(k=0, epsilon=1) zonal_green=Radial2Zonal(radial_green=radial_green, order=3 / 2) plt.plot(np.linspace(0,10,1024), radial_green(np.linspace(0,10,1024))) plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$\\phi(x)$') plt.title('Radial Function') zonal_green.plot() zonal_green.spectrum(n_max=20) """
[docs] def __init__(self, radial_green: Callable, order: Optional[float] = None, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- radial_green: Callable Radial green function (must have a method ``__call__`` for evaluation). order: Optional[float] Spectral growth order of the associated pseudo-differential operator. rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.radial_green = radial_green self.interp_green_kernel = self.green_kernel() super(Radial2Zonal, self).__init__(order=order, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
[docs] def green_kernel(self): return lambda t: self.radial_green(np.sqrt(2 - 2 * t))
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): self.samples_t = FLT.nmax2t(self.cutoff) flt = FLT(n_max=self.cutoff, t=self.samples_t) return flt(self(self.samples_t))
[docs]class ZonalGreenExponentiated(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Exponentiated zonal Green kernel. Consider a zonal Green kernel :math:`\psi:[-1,1]\to \mathbb{C}` with Fourier-Legendre expansion: .. math:: \psi(t)=\sum_{n=0}^{+\infty}\frac{2n+1}{4\pi\hat{D}_n} P_n(t), \quad t\in[-1,1]. Then, the exponentiated zonal Green kernel :math:`\psi^{(\alpha)}:[-1,1]\to \mathbb{C}, \; \alpha\in\mathbb{R}_+` has Fourier-Legendre expansion: .. math:: \psi^{(\alpha)}(t)=\sum_{n=0}^{+\infty}\frac{2n+1}{4\pi\hat{D}^\alpha_n} P_n(t), \quad t\in[-1,1]. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalWendland, ZonalGreenExponentiated zonal_green=ZonalWendland(k=0) iterated_zonal_green=ZonalGreenExponentiated(zonal_green, exponent=2) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) iterated_zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend(['Original Green kernel', 'Iterated Green kernel']) zonal_green.spectrum(n_max=20, fhandle=2, color_index=0) iterated_zonal_green.spectrum(n_max=20, fhandle=2, color_index=1) plt.legend(['Original Green kernel', 'Iterated Green kernel']) """
[docs] def __init__(self, base_green_kernel: ZonalGreenFunction, exponent: int, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- base_green_kernel: ZonalGreenFunction Zonal Green kernel to be exponentiated. exponent: int Exponent :math:`\alpha>0`. rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.base_green_kernel = base_green_kernel self.exponent = exponent super(ZonalGreenExponentiated, self).__init__(order=base_green_kernel.order + exponent, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): return self.base_green_kernel._compute_fl_coefficients() ** self.exponent
[docs]class ZonalGreenSobolev(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Zonal Green kernel of the Sobolev operator :math:`(\alpha^2\mbox{Id} -\Delta_{\mathbb{S}^2})^{\beta/2}`. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalGreenSobolev for exp in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenSobolev(alpha=1., exponent=exp) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$\\beta={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]]) plt.title('$\\alpha=1$') for exp in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenSobolev(alpha=5., exponent=exp) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=2) plt.legend([f'$\\beta={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]]) plt.title('$\\alpha=5$') Notes ----- We have in this case :math:`\hat{D}_n=(\alpha^2+n(n+1))^{\beta/2},` :math:`\hat{D}_n>0`, :math:`|\hat{D}_n|=\Theta(n^{\beta})`, and :math:`\mathcal{K}_{\mathcal{D}}=\emptyset`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha: Union[float, int], exponent: Union[int, float], rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- alpha: Union[complex, float, int] Parameter :math:`\alpha\in\mathbb{R}`. Large values of :math:`\alpha` yield more localised Green kernels. exponent: Union[int, float] Exponent :math:`\beta\geq 1.` rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.alpha = alpha self.exponent = exponent super(ZonalGreenSobolev, self).__init__(order=self.exponent, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): n = np.arange(0, self.cutoff + 1).astype(np.float) op_coeffs = (self.alpha ** 2 + n * (n + 1)) ** (self.exponent / 2) fl_coeffs = 0 * op_coeffs fl_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] = 1 / op_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] return fl_coeffs
[docs]class ZonalGreenFractionalLaplaceBeltrami(ZonalGreenSobolev): r""" Zonal Green kernel of the Fractional Laplace-Beltrami operator :math:`(-\Delta_{\mathbb{S}^2})^{\beta/2}`. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalGreenFractionalLaplaceBeltrami for exp in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenFractionalLaplaceBeltrami(exponent=exp) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$\\beta={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [2,2.5,3,3.5,4]]) Notes ----- We have in this case :math:`\hat{D}_n=(n(n+1))^{\beta/2},` :math:`\hat{D}_n\geq 0`, :math:`|\hat{D}_n|=\Theta(n^{\beta})`, and :math:`\mathcal{K}_{\mathcal{D}}=\{0\}`. See Example 4.2 of [FuncSphere]_ for a closed-form formula of the zonal Green kernel for :math:`\beta=4`. The case :math:`\beta=1` yields the square-root of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, which is intimately linked to the spherical *divergence* and *gradient* differential operators. See Also -------- :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, exponent: float, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- exponent: Union[int, float] Exponent :math:`\beta\geq 1.` rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ super(ZonalGreenFractionalLaplaceBeltrami, self).__init__(alpha=0, exponent=exponent, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
[docs]class ZonalGreenIteratedLaplaceBeltrami(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Zonal Green kernel of the iterated Laplace-Beltrami operator :math:`\Delta_{\mathbb{S}^2}^{k}`. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalGreenIteratedLaplaceBeltrami for exp in [1,2,3,4,5]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenIteratedLaplaceBeltrami(exponent=exp) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [1,2,3,4,5]]) Notes ----- We have in this case :math:`\hat{D}_n=(-n(n+1))^{k},` :math:`\hat{D}_n\in \mathbb{R}`, :math:`|\hat{D}_n|=\Theta(n^{2k})`, and :math:`\mathcal{K}_{\mathcal{D}}=\{0\}`. See Example 4.2 of [FuncSphere]_ for a closed-form formula of the zonal Green kernel for :math:`k=2`. See Also -------- :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, exponent: int, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- exponent: int Exponent :math:`k\geq 1.` rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.exponent = exponent super(ZonalGreenIteratedLaplaceBeltrami, self).__init__(order=2 * exponent, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): n = np.arange(0, self.cutoff + 1).astype(np.float) op_coeffs = (-n * (n + 1)) ** self.exponent fl_coeffs = 0 * op_coeffs fl_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] = 1 / op_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] return fl_coeffs
[docs]class ZonalGreenBeltrami(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Zonal Green kernel of the Beltrami operator :math:`\partial_k=k(k+1)\mbox{Id}+\Delta_{\mathbb{S}^2}`. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalGreenBeltrami for k in [1,2,3,4,5]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenBeltrami(k=k) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [1,2,3,4,5]]) Notes ----- We have in this case :math:`\hat{D}_n=k(k+1)-n(n+1),` :math:`\hat{D}_n\in \mathbb{R}`, :math:`|\hat{D}_n|=\Theta(n^{2})`, and :math:`\mathcal{K}_{\mathcal{D}}=\{k\}`. See Chapter 4 of [FuncSphere]_ for properties of Beltrami operators. See Also -------- :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, k: int, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- k: int Parameter :math:`k\geq 1.` rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.k = k super(ZonalGreenBeltrami, self).__init__(order=2, rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): n = np.arange(0, self.cutoff + 1).astype(np.float) op_coeffs = (self.k * (self.k + 1) - n * (n + 1)) fl_coeffs = 0 * op_coeffs fl_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] = 1 / op_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] return fl_coeffs
[docs]class ZonalGreenIteratedBeltrami(ZonalGreenFunction): r""" Zonal Green kernel of the Beltrami operator :math:`\partial_{0\cdots k}=\partial_0\cdots\partial_k`. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalGreenIteratedBeltrami for k in [1,2,3,4,5]: zonal_green=ZonalGreenIteratedBeltrami(k=k) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [1,2,3,4,5]]) Notes ----- We have in this case :math:`\hat{D}_n=\Pi_{j=0}^k j(j+1)-n(n+1),` :math:`\hat{D}_n\in \mathbb{R}`, :math:`|\hat{D}_n|=\Theta(n^{2(k+1)})`, and :math:`\mathcal{K}_{\mathcal{D}}=\{0,\ldots,k\}`. See Chapter 4 of [FuncSphere]_ for properties of Beltrami operators. See Also -------- :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, k: int, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- k: int Parameter :math:`k\geq 1.` rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. """ self.k = k super(ZonalGreenIteratedBeltrami, self).__init__(order=2 * (k + 1), rtol=rtol, cutoff=cutoff)
def _compute_fl_coefficients(self): n = np.arange(0, self.cutoff + 1).astype(np.float) k = np.arange(0, self.k + 1).astype(np.float) op_coeffs = * (k + 1))[None, :] - (n * (n + 1))[:, None], axis=-1) fl_coeffs = 0 * op_coeffs fl_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] = 1 / op_coeffs[op_coeffs != 0] return fl_coeffs
[docs]class ZonalMatern(Radial2Zonal): r""" Matern zonal Green kernel. The Matern zonal Green kernel is obtained by restricting the radial Matern function :py:class:`` to the sphere as described in :py:class:``. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalMatern for k in [0, 1,2,3]: zonal_green=ZonalMatern(k=k) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [0, 1,2,3]]) for k in [0, 1,2,3]: zonal_green=ZonalMatern(k=k) zonal_green.spectrum(n_max=10, fhandle=2, color_index=k) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [0, 1,2,3]]) Notes ----- See Chapter 8 of [FuncSphere]_ for definitions, closed-form formulas and properties. See Also -------- :py:class:``, :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, k: int, epsilon: float = 1.0, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- k: int, [0, 1 ,2 ,3] Order of the Matern function. epsilon: float Spread of the Matern function. rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. Notes ----- See the help of :py:class:`` for more details on the parameters ``k`` and ``epsilon``. """ super(ZonalMatern, self).__init__(radial_green=Matern(k=k, epsilon=epsilon), order=k + 3 / 2, cutoff=cutoff, rtol=rtol)
[docs]class ZonalWendland(Radial2Zonal): r""" Wendland zonal Green kernel. The Wendland zonal Green kernel is obtained by restricting the radial Wendland function :py:class:`` to the sphere as described in :py:class:``. Examples -------- .. plot:: from import ZonalWendland for k in [0, 1,2,3]: zonal_green=ZonalWendland(k=k) zonal_green.plot(angles=True, fhandle=1) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [0, 1,2,3]]) for k in [0, 1,2,3]: zonal_green=ZonalWendland(k=k) zonal_green.spectrum(n_max=10, fhandle=2, color_index=k) plt.legend([f'$k={np.round(val, 1)}$' for val in [0, 1,2,3]]) Notes ----- See Chapter 8 of [FuncSphere]_ for definitions, closed-form formulas and properties. See Also -------- :py:class:``, :py:class:`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, k: int, epsilon: float = 1.0, rtol: float = 1e-4, cutoff: Optional[int] = None): r""" Parameters ---------- k: int, [0, 1 ,2 ,3] Order of the Wendland function. epsilon: float Spread of the Wendland function. rtol: float Threshold for defining the effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. cutoff: Optional[int] Effective bandwidth of the zonal Green kernel. Notes ----- See the help of :py:class:`` for more details on the parameters ``k`` and ``epsilon``. """ super(ZonalWendland, self).__init__(radial_green=Wendland(k=k, epsilon=epsilon), order=k + 3 / 2, cutoff=cutoff, rtol=rtol)
if __name__=='__main__': pass