Source code for pycsou.core.functional

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# =============
# Author : Matthieu Simeoni []
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Abstract classes for functionals.

from import Map, DifferentiableMap, MapSum, MapComp
from abc import abstractmethod
from pycsou.core.linop import LinearOperator, UnitaryOperator
from typing import Union, Optional
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs]class Functional(Map): r""" Base class for functionals. Notes ----- Functionals are (real) single-valued nonlinear maps. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int, data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] = None, is_differentiable: bool = False, is_linear: bool = False): r""" Parameters ---------- dim: int, Dimension of the functional's domain. data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] Optional data vector. is_differentiable: bool Whether the functional is differentiable or not. is_linear: bool Whether the functional is linear or not. """ Map.__init__(self, shape=(1, dim), is_differentiable=is_differentiable, is_linear=is_linear) = data self.dim = dim
[docs]class DifferentiableFunctional(Functional, DifferentiableMap): r""" Base class for differentiable functionals. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int, data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] = None, is_linear: bool = False, lipschitz_cst: float = np.infty, diff_lipschitz_cst: float = np.infty): r""" Parameters ---------- dim: int, Dimension of the functional's domain. data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] Optional data vector. is_linear: bool Whether the functional is linear or not. lipschitz_cst: float Lispchitz constant of the differentiable map if it exists/is known. Default to :math:`+\infty`. diff_lipschitz_cst: float Lispchitz constant of the derivative of the differentiable map if it exists/is known. Default to :math:`+\infty`. """ Functional.__init__(self, dim=dim, data=data, is_differentiable=True, is_linear=is_linear) DifferentiableMap.__init__(self, shape=self.shape, is_linear=self.is_linear, lipschitz_cst=lipschitz_cst, diff_lipschitz_cst=diff_lipschitz_cst)
[docs] @abstractmethod def jacobianT(self, arg: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: pass
[docs]class LinearFunctional(Functional, LinearOperator): r""" Base class for linear functionals. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int, data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] = None, dtype: type = np.float64, is_explicit: bool = False, is_dense: bool = False, is_sparse: bool = False, is_dask: bool = False): Functional.__init__(self, dim=dim, data=data, is_differentiable=True, is_linear=True) LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype, is_explicit=is_explicit, is_dense=is_dense, is_sparse=is_sparse, is_dask=is_dask, is_symmetric=False)
[docs]class ProximableFunctional(Functional): r""" Base class for proximable functionals. Any instance/subclass of this class must at least implement the abstract methods ``__call__`` and ``prox``. Notes ----- A functional :math:`f:\mathbb{R}^N\to \mathbb{R}` is said *proximable* is its **proximity operator** ([ProxAlg]_ Section 1.1) .. math:: \mathbf{\text{prox}}_{\tau f}(\mathbf{z}):=\arg\min_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^N} f(x)+\frac{1}{2\tau} \|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{z}\|_2^2, \quad \forall \mathbf{z}\in\mathbb{R}^N, admits a *simple closed-form expression* **or** can be evaluated *efficiently* and with *high accuracy*. This class supports the following arithmetic operators ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``@``, ``**`` and ``/``, implemented with the class methods ``__add__``/``__radd__``, ``__sub__``/``__neg__``, ``__mul__``/``__rmul__``, ``__matmul__``, ``__pow__``, ``__truediv__``. Such arithmetic operators can be used to *add*, *substract*, *scale*, *compose*, *exponentiate* or *evaluate* ``LinearOperator`` instances. For the following basic operations moreover, the proximal operator is automatically updated according to the formula of [ProxAlg]_ Section 2.2.: - **Postcomposition:** :math:`g(\mathbf{x})=\alpha f(\mathbf{x})`, - **Precomposition:** :math:`g(\mathbf{x})= f(\alpha\mathbf{x}+b)` or :math:`g(\mathbf{x})= f(U\mathbf{x})` with :math:`U` a *unitary operator*, - **Affine Sum:** :math:`g(\mathbf{x})= f(\mathbf{x})+\mathbf{a}^T\mathbf{x}.` Examples -------- .. testsetup:: import numpy as np .. doctest:: >>> from pycsou.func.penalty import L1Norm >>> func = L1Norm(dim=10) >>> x = np.arange(10); tau=0.1 >>> np.allclose((2 * func).prox(x, tau), func.prox(x, 2 * tau)) True >>> np.allclose((func * 2).prox(x, tau), func.prox(x * 2, 4 * tau)/2) True >>> np.allclose(func.shifter(x/2).prox(x, tau), func.prox(x+x/2, tau)-x/2) True """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int, data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] = None, is_differentiable: bool = False, is_linear: bool = False): r""" Parameters ---------- dim: int, Dimension of the functional's domain. data: Union[None, Number, np.ndarray] Optional data vector. is_linear: bool Whether the functional is linear or not. is_differentiable: bool Whether the functional is differentiable or not. """ if is_differentiable == True or is_linear == True: warnings.warn( 'For differentiable and/or linear maps, consider the dedicated classes DifferentiableMap and LinearOperator.') super(ProximableFunctional, self).__init__(dim=dim, data=data, is_differentiable=is_differentiable, is_linear=is_linear)
[docs] @abstractmethod def prox(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray], tau: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: r""" Evaluate the proximity operator of the ``tau``-scaled functional at the point ``x``. Parameters ---------- x: Union[Number, np.ndarray] Point at which to perform the evaluation. tau: Number Scale. Returns ------- Union[Number, np.ndarray] Evaluation of the proximity operator of the ``tau``-scaled functional at the point ``x``. """ pass
[docs] def fenchel_prox(self, z: Union[Number, np.ndarray], sigma: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: r""" Evaluate the proximity operator of the ``sigma``-scaled Fenchel conjugate of the functional at a point ``z``. Parameters ---------- z: Union[Number, np.ndarray] Point at which to perform the evaluation. sigma: Number Scale. Returns ------- Union[Number, np.ndarray] Result of the evaluation. Notes ----- The *Fenchel conjugate* is defined as [FuncSphere]_ Chapter 7, Section 1: .. math:: f^\ast(\mathbf{z}):=\max_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^N} \langle \mathbf{x},\mathbf{z} \rangle - f(\mathbf{x}). From **Moreau's identity**, its proximal operator is given by: .. math:: \mathbf{\text{prox}}_{\sigma f^\ast}(\mathbf{z})= \mathbf{z}- \sigma \mathbf{\text{prox}}_{f/\sigma}(\mathbf{z}/\sigma). """ return z - sigma * self.prox(x=z / sigma, tau=1 / sigma)
[docs] def shifter(self, shift: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> 'ProxFuncPreComp': r""" Returns a shifted version of the functional. Parameters ---------- shift: Union[Number, np.ndarray] Shift vector. Returns ------- :py:class:`~pycsou.core.functional.ProxFuncPreComp` Shifted map. """ return ProxFuncPreComp(prox_func=self, scale=1, shift=shift)
def __add__(self, other: Union[Map, LinearFunctional]) -> Union[MapSum, 'ProxFuncAffineSum']: if isinstance(other, LinearFunctional): return ProxFuncAffineSum(self, linear_part=other, intercept=0) elif isinstance(other, Map): return MapSum(self, other) else: raise NotImplementedError def __mul__(self, other: Union[Number, Map, UnitaryOperator, np.ndarray]) \ -> Union[MapComp, 'ProxFuncPreComp', 'ProxFuncPreCompUnitOp']: if isinstance(other, Number) or isinstance(other, np.ndarray): return ProxFuncPreComp(self, scale=other, shift=0) elif isinstance(other, UnitaryOperator): return ProxFuncPreCompUnitOp(self, other) elif isinstance(other, Map): return MapComp(self, other) else: raise NotImplementedError def __rmul__(self, other: Union[Number, Map]) -> Union[MapComp, 'ProxFuncPostComp']: if isinstance(other, Number) and other > 0: return ProxFuncPostComp(self, scale=other, shift=0) elif isinstance(other, Map): return MapComp(other, self) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ProxFuncPostComp(ProximableFunctional):
[docs] def __init__(self, prox_func: ProximableFunctional, scale: Number, shift: Number): super(ProxFuncPostComp, self).__init__(dim=prox_func.dim,, is_differentiable=prox_func.is_differentiable) self.prox_func = prox_func self.scale = scale self.shift = shift
def __call__(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> Number: return self.scale * self.prox_func.__call__(x) + self.shift
[docs] def prox(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray], tau: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: return self.prox_func.prox(x, tau * self.scale)
[docs]class ProxFuncAffineSum(ProximableFunctional):
[docs] def __init__(self, prox_func: ProximableFunctional, linear_part: LinearFunctional, intercept: Number): if not isinstance(linear_part, LinearFunctional) or linear_part.dim != prox_func.dim: raise TypeError('Invalid affine sum.') super(ProxFuncAffineSum, self).__init__(dim=prox_func.dim,, is_differentiable=prox_func.is_differentiable) self.prox_func = prox_func self.linear_part = linear_part self.intercept = intercept
def __call__(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> Number: return self.prox_func.__call__(x) + self.linear_part.__call__(x) + self.intercept
[docs] def prox(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray], tau: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: a = self.linear_part.todense().mat.reshape(-1) return self.prox_func.prox(x - tau * a, tau)
[docs]class ProxFuncPreComp(ProximableFunctional):
[docs] def __init__(self, prox_func: ProximableFunctional, scale: Union[Number, np.ndarray], shift: Union[Number, np.ndarray]): super(ProxFuncPreComp, self).__init__(dim=prox_func.dim,, is_differentiable=prox_func.is_differentiable) self.prox_func = prox_func self.scale = scale self.shift = shift
def __call__(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> Number: return self.prox_func.__call__(self.scale * x + self.shift)
[docs] def prox(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray], tau: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: return (self.prox_func.prox(self.scale * x + self.shift, tau * (self.scale ** 2)) - self.shift) / self.scale
[docs]class ProxFuncPreCompUnitOp(ProximableFunctional):
[docs] def __init__(self, prox_func: ProximableFunctional, unitary_op: UnitaryOperator): super(ProxFuncPreCompUnitOp, self).__init__(dim=prox_func.dim,, is_differentiable=prox_func.is_differentiable) self.prox_func = prox_func self.unitary_op = unitary_op
def __call__(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray]) -> Number: return self.prox_func.__call__(self.unitary_op.matvec(x))
[docs] def prox(self, x: Union[Number, np.ndarray], tau: Number) -> Union[Number, np.ndarray]: return self.unitary_op.adjoint(self.prox_func.prox(self.unitary_op.matvec(x), tau=tau))